IOP in Marlton NJ

IOP in Marlton NJ
iop in NJ

Welcome to our Intensive Outpatient Program (IOP) in Marlton NJ—a transformative stepping stone towards lasting recovery and a life filled with purpose. If you or a loved one is seeking a flexible yet highly effective treatment option for addiction, you’ve come to the right place.

At our IOP in Marlton NJ, we understand that every individual’s journey to recovery is unique, and we are dedicated to tailoring our approach to meet your specific needs and circumstances. Our program offers a supportive and structured environment that allows you to receive intensive treatment while maintaining your daily commitments and responsibilities.

What is An Intensive Outpatient Program?

IOP in Marlton NJ is just as it sounds. If it is broken down, intensive simply means it is a slight step above traditional outpatient, and a person is under care more often. Outpatient means it is not an inpatient hospitalization stay, and the person can live their life normally. They can take care of their responsibilities, work, spend time with friends and family, and have their own life without using drugs and alcohol.

The criteria for an intensive outpatient program is described by the National Library of Medicine as “IOPs treat individuals with substance use disorders or co-occurring mental and substance use disorders who do not require medical detoxification or 24-hour supervision. They provide a specified number of hours per week of structured individual, group, and/or family therapy as well as psychoeducation about substance use and mental disorders”.

Having the accountability that intensive outpatient programs in New Jersey can offer helps to ensure that someone can do all of these things, while still maintaining their recovery from addiction to drugs or alcohol. Having the support and therapies available during an IOP level of care can help someone stay the course that they have set for themselves. This can ensure that they have the best tools available when the time has come to return to daily life, with minimal accountability.

How Does An IOP In Marlton Work?

Questioning how much help is needed for yourself or your loved one is understandable. Those who are entering this course of action do not always have the answers to a lot of the questions that are asked. This is why there are people who are meant to help along the road to finding the right care. The best course of action to take when wondering how much care someone will need is to undergo a proper substance use assessment. This will help to shed some light on exactly what has been used, what kind of care is needed, and how severe the problems are.

There are different reasons why someone would enter into an IOP in Marlton NJ. One of which is because it is the next level in the continuum of care. Meaning that they have completed more intensive levels, such as detox, residential, and/or partial hospitalization. Then some aren’t currently using drugs or drinking and need extra support to ensure that they can stay on course. Finally, some are court-ordered to complete some sort of treatment program, such as an IOP program.

IOP generally is when there are day or night treatment options in which someone participates in individual and group therapies, sees medical professionals, and continues on the course of addiction treatment. They then return to their home life. Whether the home life is in a sober living setting, or at home with family.

Who is IOP Appropriate For?

Our intensive outpatient program in Marlton works for anyone who needs help combating addiction to drugs and alcohol. Those who enter an IOP level of care are those who don’t need the round-the-clock supervision and care that higher levels of care offer. Medically, they have been detoxed and stabilized. Withdrawal symptoms have generally subsided, or gone away altogether. Therefore, IOP in Marlton NJ is not appropriately suitable for those who are actively using drugs or drinking alcohol. This is because there are no medical professionals around 24 hours a day to ensure there are not any complications arising when the person stops using drugs and alcohol. Withdrawal is complex and can lead to some severely uncomfortable and sometimes life-threatening symptoms that should always be medically monitored. This ensures safety and comfort.

Individual Counseling

During IOP in New Jersey, a person receives individual counseling that helps to teach the proper, healthy coping skills that are vital to ensuring that someone can continue maintaining recovery. Just because drugs and alcohol are removed from the system, does not mean that someone immediately knows how to live life without using them when unpleasant situations arise. Situations like a relationship ending, the loss of a job, or the sudden passing of a loved one often lead people back to using drugs and alcohol. This individual counseling helps in these situations. Having a professional to help guide someone through the emotional upheaval that can occur can ensure that recovery is maintained.

Education Programs

Educational programming is an integral portion of IOP in Marlton NJ. This is where a lot of the tools and coping skills can be learned to help when these mental health professionals are unavailable. These group therapies help those who are struggling to know they are not alone and that there is support from others who have gone through similar situations. Having the peer support of the individuals in group therapy can help to show someone that recovery is possible and that making it through these difficult situations is also possible. Having proper support is crucial to maintaining recovery when someone is struggling with drug or alcohol addiction. During active addiction, many people believed they were alone and no one cared. Having even just one person who can relate and help someone through a difficult situation can make a world of difference to someone newer in the recovery world.

Healing With Full of Life

Addiction is a monster that’s sole purpose is to ruin lives. The person struggling isn’t the only one who suffers, their loved ones do as well. There is help available for those who are struggling with addiction to substances like drugs and alcohol. If you or a loved one are struggling with addiction, Full of Life can help. We offer personalized care for those who need it, and we strive to offer the best care there is. Contact us today and begin the necessary process of healing.

Get The Help You Need

Reach out to us to begin your healing journey today.

Get in Touch With Us

Our admissions team is here to help 24/7. Contact us today in order to begin your recovery journey.


I recommend this facility 100%. If you put in the work, their program truly works! Thank you, Full Of Life Recovery Center, for all you have provided me with! The life tools I learned while there I still use on a daily basis. Beyond that, I found the facility safe, comfortable, and quite frankly beautiful. If you want help. Reach out to this facility, you won’t regret it!
John L.
Amazing facility! I have been to a bunch of different places and this is one of the best by far that I have ever been to. There was so much help that I truly needed at the time. I could have not been more thankful to have been to such a great program with staff who actually care about you and want to see you do better.
Katie R.
Before coming to Full Of Life Recovery Center I was homeless on the streets of Philadelphia with nothing to my name, but a terrible addiction. With no hope or purpose, I wanted to die. There wasn’t any light at the end of the tunnel. When I got to Full Of Life Recovery Center, my hope and faith were restored! I finally had the desire to live again! The facility is beautiful and the staff is truly amazing. The group therapy sessions and individual counseling dove deep and led me to address and heal from the deep-rooted issues that were holding my recovery back! Thank you Full Of Life Recovery Center!
Jason H.
Full Of Life Recovery Center is a gift for those who are willing to accept what is offered in their programs. Thankfully my family has become a recipient of that gift. My son’s continued, long-term sobriety is, in large part, a result of the time he spent at Full Of Life Recovery Center’s drug and alcohol rehab program. The support he received and still receives from counseling to alumni meetings has been the foundation of his recovery. Thank you to everyone at Full Of Life Recovery Center for being in our lives!
Sophia R.

Insurances We Accept

We believe that quality addiction and alcoholism treatment should be accessible and affordable. Therefore, we work with most insurance companies across the United States.