Medication-Assisted Treatment In Marlton NJ

Medication-Assisted Treatment In Marlton NJ

At Full Of Life Recovery Center, we offer a medication-assisted treatment in Marlton NJ program as one of our drug and alcohol rehab options. We utilize medications in our program to help ease the discomfort of withdrawal in a comfortable, safe setting with medical support and supervision.

Our priority is ensuring that our clients are physically safe and stable. We understand that coming off drugs and alcohol is a daunting process. Often, the mental and physical discomfort of detox keeps individuals from getting the help that they need. Here at Full Of Life, we don’t want to see that happen. Thus, we offer medication-assisted treatment in Marlton, NJ to ensure that our clients can be comfortable throughout their entire stay with us.

What Is Medication Assisted Treatment?

Medication-assisted treatment, also referred to as MAT, is the use of FDA-approved medications to assist with the detox and recovery process within substance abuse treatment. Generally, MAT is utilized during the withdrawal phase of the treatment process, though some medications can be beneficial later on depending on the personal needs of the individual. Medication-assisted treatment is the most beneficial when combined with intensive behavioral therapy, support group involvement, and holistic treatment methods.

Medication-assisted treatment is especially beneficial for individuals who struggle with an opioid abuse disorder, alcohol abuse disorder, or benzodiazepine abuse disorder. At Full Of Life Recovery Center, we remain up-to-date on the most beneficial and evidence-based treatment options. During your stay, you can expect to receive the best clinical care for addiction treatment available. While we believe in providing our clients with the coping and life skills they need to maintain recovery on their own, we also understand the proven benefits of medication-assisted treatment. This is especially true when it comes to experiencing a safe and comfortable detox from drugs and alcohol.

The Benefits Of Medication Assisted Treatment NJ Programs

There are many different benefits when it comes to medication-assisted treatment in Marlton NJ programs. Research has proven that the benefits of MAT include:

  • Alleviating the symptoms of drug and alcohol withdrawal– individuals who have been abusing drugs or alcohol for a long period are more likely to experience dangerous withdrawal symptoms, such as seizures. MAT offers the medications needed to ensure detoxing is both safe and comfortable.
  • Improve chances of long-term recovery- the men and women who participate in medication-assisted treatment NJ programs have an increased chance of success with long-term recovery. This is largely because MAT helps decrease the psychological cravings for certain drugs.
  • Increase individual’s ability to focus on the recovery process- at Full Of Life Recovery Center, our medication-assisted treatment program in Marlton New Jersey helps clients focus on the intensive therapeutic care they need to achieve a successful recovery. We know that when our clients are not experiencing severe withdrawal symptoms or psychological cravings, they have a better chance of retaining and participating in the addiction treatment services we offer. Our clients can attend holistic therapy sessions, individual therapy, group therapy, and more.

The Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration lists many benefits when it comes to medication-assisted treatment. Some of these benefits include an increased ability to maintain a job, decreased criminal behaviors, and improved outcomes for pregnant women who are struggling with addiction. At Full Of Life Recovery Center, we know the value of certain medications when it comes to the recovery process.

What Medications Are Utilized In Our Medication Assisted Treatment NJ Program?

When it comes to drug and alcohol addiction, the associated symptoms can look different depending on several factors which include:

  • The type of substance being used
  • The level of severity of the addiction and/or alcoholism
  • If the client has any co-occurring mental health disorders
  • If any other chronic physical health issues are present
  • How long a client has been abusing drugs and/or alcohol
  • The severity of post-acute withdrawal symptoms

In many instances, our clients will go through normal withdrawal symptoms such as insomnia, restlessness, anxiety, and cravings for their substance of choice. Here at Full Of Life Recovery Center, we ensure that our clients remain comfortable throughout the entirety of their stay. Our medical staff can prescribe sleep aids and over-the-counter pain relievers to help with withdrawal symptoms. However, certain clients who struggle with alcoholism, benzodiazepine abuse, or opioid abuse, such as fentanyl or heroin, may require additional medication-assisted treatment options.

Additional Addiction Treatment Services Our Facility Offers

In addition to the medication-assisted treatment programs, we offer the following addiction services:

  • Individual, Group, & Family Therapy Services – At Full Of Life Recovery Center we know that therapeutic intervention should begin during the initial stages of the recovery process. We offer individual therapy sessions focused on helping clients identify their personal recovery goals, group therapy sessions where clients discuss a range of recovery-related topics, and family therapy sessions to provide support and healing to the family as a whole.
  • Intervention Services – We know it can be difficult to get a loved one to realize the importance of seeking help. Thus, we offer intervention services to families and loved ones in need. Simply contact our admissions team to learn more.
  • Addiction Assessments – Addiction treatment is not a one-size-fits-all process, and personalized care is extremely important. Upon admission to our New Jersey rehab, each client undergoes a detailed clinical assessment which helps our team determine which medication-assisted treatment options are the best fit for each case. This assessment also helps our therapists and case managers design unique treatment and aftercare plans.
  • Case Management Services – Every single one of our clients is assigned a case manager who serves as an advocate and main point of contact between the client’s clinical team and any outside parties, such as family members and court officials. Furthermore, case managers work one-on-one with their clients to develop detailed aftercare plans that are designed around the unique needs of each client.
  • Relapse Prevention Training – At Full Of Life Recovery Center, we believe that addiction treatment can and should be a one-time experience. Relapse prevention training and planning is a vital part of every stage of the recovery process. Within our New Jersey drug rehab program, clients learn to identify and overcome potential triggers for relapse. Additionally, clients will learn how to recognize their warning signs.
  • Individualized Aftercare Planning – For many, drug and alcohol rehab is one of many steps in the recovery journey. Most clients choose to participate in a step-down process which includes intensive outpatient or outpatient care. We work personally with our patients to design aftercare planning services that focus on a continuum of care long-term.

Begin Your Medication-Assisted Treatment NJ Program Today

The sad reality is that many people who are desperately in need of professional addiction treatment help avoid it due to their fear of detox, post-acute withdrawal symptoms, and psychological cravings for drugs and alcohol. Attempting recovery on your own can be extremely difficult and uncomfortable. Withdrawing from drugs and/or alcohol at home can easily lead to potentially life-threatening consequences.

At Full Of Life Recovery Center, we are committed to ensuring that every single one of our clients has the most comfortable addiction treatment possible. Our medication-assisted treatment in Marlton NJ program alleviates severe detox and post-acute withdrawal symptoms. Therefore, our clients can rest, relax, and focus on taking advantage of the recovery services that we offer.

Our case managers, admissions team, and clinical care staff of experts work together to ensure that your transition to and from our facility is as seamless and stress-free as possible. Once you or your loved one is ready to get help, Full Of Life Recovery Center will be here waiting with compassionate and premium care.

Furthermore, our admissions process is simple and short. Most of our admissions screenings are complete within just 15 minutes. Our over-the-phone admissions team provides a complimentary pre-screen, a no-commitment insurance coverage check, and assistance in coordinating travel to our New Jersey drug rehab facility. The only thing you need to do is pick up the phone or fill out our admissions contact form. Our team is here to take care of the rest and walk with you throughout your entire recovery journey.

Get The Help You Need

Reach out to us to begin your healing journey today.

Get in Touch With Us

Our admissions team is here to help 24/7. Contact us today in order to begin your recovery journey.


I recommend this facility 100%. If you put in the work, their program truly works! Thank you, Full Of Life Recovery Center, for all you have provided me with! The life tools I learned while there I still use on a daily basis. Beyond that, I found the facility safe, comfortable, and quite frankly beautiful. If you want help. Reach out to this facility, you won’t regret it!
John L.
Amazing facility! I have been to a bunch of different places and this is one of the best by far that I have ever been to. There was so much help that I truly needed at the time. I could have not been more thankful to have been to such a great program with staff who actually care about you and want to see you do better.
Katie R.
Before coming to Full Of Life Recovery Center I was homeless on the streets of Philadelphia with nothing to my name, but a terrible addiction. With no hope or purpose, I wanted to die. There wasn’t any light at the end of the tunnel. When I got to Full Of Life Recovery Center, my hope and faith were restored! I finally had the desire to live again! The facility is beautiful and the staff is truly amazing. The group therapy sessions and individual counseling dove deep and led me to address and heal from the deep-rooted issues that were holding my recovery back! Thank you Full Of Life Recovery Center!
Jason H.
Full Of Life Recovery Center is a gift for those who are willing to accept what is offered in their programs. Thankfully my family has become a recipient of that gift. My son’s continued, long-term sobriety is, in large part, a result of the time he spent at Full Of Life Recovery Center’s drug and alcohol rehab program. The support he received and still receives from counseling to alumni meetings has been the foundation of his recovery. Thank you to everyone at Full Of Life Recovery Center for being in our lives!
Sophia R.

Insurances We Accept

We believe that quality addiction and alcoholism treatment should be accessible and affordable. Therefore, we work with most insurance companies across the United States.